Startpage J.S. Bach:
with lots of Bach-links, e.g. pictures, events, orchestra’s,
cd's, sheet music, books, Bach-trips and the Bach family.
J.S. Bach: surveyable
site about J.S. Bach.
review WK: online book review of "Johann Sebastian Bach.
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier" by Alfred Durr.
the whole WK: audio of all preludes en fugues from part 1 and
part 2 of the WK (fast downloading)
well-tempered Clavier
Jori Fujita writes about the Well-tempered piano, about the realization,
the theory of the well-tempered tuning etc. If you've heard Bach-Bukowski,
you will recognize the music played whilst reading the pages.
to the well-tempered Clavier
First an introduction, then jump to INDEX and you can hear all the
fugues and preludes of Volume 1, with some interesting information
(downloading goes fast)
Sparrow Press: publisher of prose and poetry by Charles Bukowski
goodbye to Black Sparrow Press: personal story by publisher
John Martin about his work with Charles Bukowski and about new books
of his that will still be published.
good site with miscellaneous about C. Bukowski like photo's, letters,
etc. It is worthwhile to click on "Bukowski Tributes";
among other information a couple of poems are printed, for example
Bukowski: site
with a lot of information about life and work from Bukowski with
e.g. a very good timeline about his life.
Quotes by Bukowski about classical music and the writing of
poems. These are interesting for Bach-Bukowski
words I write keep me from total madness: an excellent survey
of available Bukowski material, with the possibility to order.